Yesterday in Safety Stuff #450 I ended the issue with a brief but thought-provoking first person essay from a subscriber about being prepared for a disaster. Well, today I got some feedback on the subject from another subscriber John Musselman that I thought you might like to check out. Besides some reading recommendations, he passed on a few practical tips that I know I will use.

“I work for a Township in SW Ohio and am a part of our own Disaster Planning Team. Doing that work made me look hard at my own family’s state of preparedness. FEMA’s website has a wealth of information on how much food and water people should have on hand in case of a local or nationwide disaster. Besides the stuff in my pantry, I probably have enough food and water for several weeks (depending on how many of my grown children have to come back home) in a special storage area of my basement (and a generator in my garage), and my own stash is nothing compared to the hard core survivalist you can encounter on many websites like

You may want to read a book called Emergency, This Book Will Save Your Life by Neil Strauss. Neil condenses his own trek to becoming a survivalist into a very entertaining and fast reading book. Apartment dwellers may have a tougher time, but most homeowners can create their own disaster stash very easily by buying a few extra items each time they go to the store.”

Thanks John.

Anybody else got some tips or thoughts?

‘till next time.
