Last week on there was a list of humorous websites. One of them caught my eye. It had a host of odd safety/warning signs from various countries. There was a couple I found amusing. Here’s the link:

When I first started in the safety and health field in 1981, the words “fun” and “safety” were not usually in the same sentence. Things have changed. Not everywhere or with every company but making safety meetings/programs fun is no longer a farfetched idea. You need to mix things up of course and there are times when the seriousness of the subject needs to be emphasized, but there is no need to make it somber and boring.

Any time I find something that might help you spice up your safety and health program I’ll be sure to pass it along either in “Safety Stuff”/ “Stress Stuff” or in a blog post.

Please let me know if you find anything fun or unusual that might help other safety and health professionals liven up there meetings or programs (or at least get you to shake your head and chuckle).

‘till next time.
