Hello Again,

Two things I’ve learned through experience: 1) Smiles are a universal happy signal and 2) Every sane person wants to be liked. These truths were amazingly evident to me last week when I was privileged to speak before over 100 leaders from ExxonMobil. There were people there from every continent and dozens of countries. I had a wonderful time. Though I’m sure I didn’t pronounce every name accurately, I did feel welcomed during my talk and had a blast during the night-before reception and dinner the night of my talk. It was also encouraging to see a microcosmic example of how people from diverse cultures can work and play together.

Here’s what the experience helped me to know more deeply about people and how to connect with any audience—it’s all about

being . . .

real. Don’t try to act in a way that isn’t true to your nature.

interested in other people. By being interested in everyone I met last week I learned so much! I learned about the food people eat in South America; what TV programs are popular in Japan; energy challenges around the world and what the night life is like in Singapore along with many positive personal stories.

upbeat and fun. There is no barrier between people when they are laughing together. And if you are happy it is contagious.

helpful. The best talks are the ones that help other people not just show how smart you are as a speaker or prove a point. Though you have to show you are credible, what every audience wants besides having a good time (fun!) is to discover something they can use to evolve as a person.

passionate. It’s got to matter to you first before you can stir other peoples’ desire to join you in whatever it is you’re suggesting. You’ve got to care on and off the stage.

How about you? What have you found to be important to every audience (person) you share time with?

‘till next time.

