
Wow! It’s amazing how much our social networking has evolved during the past few years. Now there’s Facebook, Twitter, and so many other ways to strut your stuff. I just got off the phone with Michael Melnik from Prevention Plus Inc. (One service he provides is a series of short videos for supervisors/managers.) We both agreed that the potential to touch other humans has and is growing fantastically. However, just because your message can be broadcast around the world doesn’t mean it’s any better than when you holler across a bar! Also, now that there is a deluge of broadcasting how do you get your helpful messages to stand out?

I just went to You Tube and searched for “safety” and the top items were either funny or musical. The first serious safety video with a decent amount of hits was about bicycle safety for adults from the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdrrxIpQpt4 Check it out—it’s good.

My point about this is that you still have to entertain people to some degree to get their attention—now more than ever. So, one of the many things I’ll include in my blog is tips and ideas on what you and I can do to make our message stand out. I’ll let you know what I’m doing. Not just for the publicity but so we can help one another. Isn’t that an important benefit of social networking—helping one another? Of course it is.

The change in the economy is forcing us to redirect our efforts and rely on one another to a greater degree. Reaching out more and interacting on a wider scale will force us to be part of the quantum leaps in communication not just an observer. That’s why I’ve dusted off my blog and plan to post to it regularly. I’m sure with all the wonderful energy and creative people in the field we’ll create a host of worthwhile thoughts and ideas.

I’d love to hear from you. Let’s connect.

‘till next time.

